Food Safety Resources
Dive into food safety education, where we utilize a range of engaging platforms to promote awareness and knowledge. Our products make learning about food safety an enjoyable adventure while providing best practices to ensure a safer and healthier food environment for all.
Social Media Campaigns | Games & Interactives | Videos & Animations | Projects in Progress | Legacy Content
Social Media Campaigns
Don't Wash Your Chicken!
This educational campaign teaches the public about the dangers of rinsing raw poultry and to directly address the most common misconceptions about poultry food safety. Research shows that washing or rinsing raw poultry aerosolizes harmful bacteria and increases the risk of food borne illness. Our studio designed four animated videos and a social media toolkit that further clarifies the reasons to avoid such a risky practice.
Explore Don't Wash Your Chicken!

All About Microgreens
Microgreens share similar anatomy and nutritional benefits to sprouts, but carry a much lower risk of foodborne illness. This campaign educates consumers and home-growers about the differences between sprouts and microgreens, and promotes the practice of washing microgreens before eating them, which research suggests is the safest way to eat them. Animated videos show the best sanitation practices.
Visit the All About Microgreens website.
Games & Interactives

iTIPS Food Safety
Workers learn about common food safety issues that arise in small production facilities. This interactive web module provides robust access to training tools to help improve food safety practices and regulatory compliance.
Learn with iTIPS Food Safety

Produce TRAINer
A food safety training toolkit for produce farm workers, with lessons and scenarios to practice risk assessment on the farm. Learn about how decision making and Standard Operating Procedures help keep you and the produce you work with safe.
Play Produce TRAINer.

Theme Park Kitchen
The game teaches food safety in engaging ways and helps youth internalize safe practices around cooking and food handling. Theme Park Kitchen is great to play in the classroom, at home, or as part of 4-H or Extension programs.
Play Theme Park Kitchen.

Farm Sanitizing
Learn about how to minimize contamination from pathogenic microorganisms on farm tools and equipment to reduce cross-contamination and foodborne illnesses.
Learn about Farm Sanitizing.

Potluck Panic
You are tasked with ensuring food gets assembled with food safety in mind, from the factory to the potluck. As you advance, gather knowledge and skill to prevent multiple food disasters.
Play Potluck Panic!

Virtual Labs (Food Science)
Interactive food science modules train high school and college students in laboratory skills and concepts relevant to food science, including using a microscope, testing for aflatoxin, culturing bacteria, measuring pH, and using disposable lab equipment.
Try the Virtual Labs.

Water Sampling
Water for irrigation comes from a lot of different sources, including ponds, streams, rivers and canals, or from water treatment plants. Farmers and scientists collect and test water samples from these sources to make sure they are safe for use.
Learn with Water Sampling.

Irrigation Training Modules
Explore four treatment methods for cleaning irrigation water and practice testing chlorinated systems using test strips. Learn each method so you can implement the appropriate treatment while validating, verifying, and monitoring your process.
Learn about Water Treatment Systems.

Outbreak Squad
Do you have what it takes to lead the squad? Use your team of heroes to research, educate, heal, and protect people. Keep the community from getting sicker!
Play Outbreak Squad.
Videos & Animations

Don't Wash Your Chicken!
Our studio has completed two rounds of educational materials on the danger of washing chicken. The first set of cooking videos and photo novelas. The second campaign added animations which address the key misconceptions of chicken washing, and offers a social media campaign.
Explore Don't Wash Your Chicken.

Infotoons – Food Safety
These videos offer a light-hearted explanation of the science behind food safety, with real-life examples, to foster a safe culture among agricultural producers and processors, especially those selling directly to consumers. Created in collaboration with Maine Cooperative Extension, it focuses on regional foods, such as wild blueberries and seaweed.
View the Infotoons – Food Safety.

Fresh and Sometimes Dirty
Fresh produce can sometimes be dirty. It’s important to wash it, no matter where you get it. These short, humorous videos are aimed at consumers who shop at Farmers’ Markets and suitable for sharing on social media.
View videos at Fresh and Sometimes Dirty.

Don't Be Gross
This campaign was designed as an in-school food safety project, to raise awareness among teens about food safety actions that are unsafe and positive steps they can take to prevent illness. Research shows the most powerful way to reach this age is through peer networks and social norms.
View animations at Don't Be Gross.

Produce Safety Matters
Growers, packing centers, and retailers rely on one another to prevent contamination and keep consumers safe. Four animations illustrate how contamination can spread from field to table and suggest ways to avoid this.
View the animations for Produce Safety Matters.

Because I Care, I Wash My Hands
Suited for child care centers, this hands-on curriculum is full of songs, activities, and experiments to help young children understand why and how handwashing keeps friends and family healthy. It includes the “Because I Care Lullaby,” which has been viewed 97 million times on YouTube.
Check out Because I Care, I Wash My Hands.

The BAC Files (English, Spanish, & Navajo)
Designed for adults and older youth, this video uses an entertaining, informal style to teach viewers how to keep food safe to eat. Fighting BAC has never been so much fun! Available in English, Spanish, and Navajo.
Watch The BAC Files.

Chinese Food Safety (English, Mandarin, & Cantonese)
A restaurant owner teaches an apprentice how to establish a reputation for safe food by recommending clean surfaces, providing separate cutting surfaces for meats and vegetables, heating food to proper temperatures, and storing food safely.
Watch Food Safety.

It's Good Business: Processing Salsa Safely (English & Spanish)
This video presents step-by-step instructions for processing chile salsa correctly in order to avoid foodborne illness or microbial contamination. Available in English and Spanish.
Watch It's Good Business.

Processing Salsa Safely at Home
When you process salsa correctly, you'll know it's safe. Learn how to process and preserve salsa safely at home using a United States Department of Agriculture-approved recipe.

Making It Safe (English & Spanish)
A Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) Food Safety Program designed for Small Food Processors in the Southwest.
Watch Making It Safe.

Preparing Safe Mexican Foods
Having a monitoring program in your food establishment is important. It just makes good sense to protect your customers and your reputation by implementing a HACCP plan.
Watch Preparing Safe Mexican Foods.

La Vida de Matilde (Spanish)
This short drama follows Matilde over several weeks as she opens her own home childcare. She becomes aware of food safety issues and learns how to combat BAC, the bacteria food may contain if it is not properly prepared or handled.
Watch La Vida de Matilde.
Legacy Projects

Science Pirates: The Curse of Brownbeard
Science Pirates uses games, songs, and scientific experiments to give youth a better understanding of the "whys" behind good food safety practices based on national science standards. The entire adventure culminates in the player helping the desperate crew solve and 'break' the "The Curse of Brownbeard."
Currently unavailable.

The Food Detectives
This entertaining site for kids ages 8-12 includes songs, activities, and arcade-style games. Through playing, youth understand the importance of the 4 key messages in the Fight BAC food safety program: wash hands and utensils, chill leftovers properly, cook food to the proper temperature, and separate cooked food from raw meat and juices.
Currently unavailable.

Ninja Kitchen
You're a ninja - and a short order cook. Prepare and serve food safely before your customers walk away. Sophisticated gameplay reveals principles of food safety.
Play Ninja Kitchen. Don't make anyone sick!

Safe Preparation of Beef Jerky
Beef jerky is prepared via a variety of methods. This interactive allows users to specify the method they use and shows what key steps are necessary for a safe product in each case.
Explore Safe Preparation of Beef Jerky.